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Articles from our November 2006 newsletter:

Rediscovering older information
A number of information providers have recently extended coverage of their collections back in time to provide electronic access to historical research and news. In 2005 Thomson Scientific added a new archive — Century of Science® — to the Web of Science® , which has extended coverage of scientific research information back to the beginning of the last century. This article explores the impact of providing access to older information.

Einstein's landmark paper 100 years on
In September 1905, Albert Einstein published a landmark paper, "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper" ("The Electrodynamic moving body"), concerning a revolutionary modification to the definitions of space and time and a relativistic approach to mechanics and electrodynamics. This was the first and most basic introduction of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. Although this paper was published over 100 years ago, it is still influential.

Readers' choice: top KnowledgeLink articles of 2006
Throughout the year KnowledgeLink aims to bring you insight and practical information via your in-box, RSS feed and/or our website. To wrap up 2006 we review the articles that have been the most popular with our readers.

Patent powerhouses: a guide to patenting by research institutions worldwide
Academic institutions across the world have been building up their technology transfer capabilities in recent years, to help ensure that new research knowledge realizes its full commercial potential and is made available for public use. Patenting is a key component of the technology transfer process, and we took a region-by-region look at academic patenting to see who led the field from 2000 to 2005.

What keeps regulatory professionals up at night?
Investment in regulatory information management technology and skills outsourcing is the best way to register pharmaceutical products and ensure they gain market penetration: two ways to make the regulatory professional's life easier and ensure they get a better night's sleep!

Four steps to creating a knowledge sharing plan
If you've thought about taking action to encourage knowledge sharing in your organization, but aren't sure how to get started, you're not alone. Changing behavior is difficult, and it doesn't happen overnight. One way you can begin is to initiate and model "knowledge sharing behavior".




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